Nature Magic Rank 3

Nature Magic Rank 3
List: Druid
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Nature Magic Rank 2, 6 Elemental Pool Purchases
Skill Type: Faith
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 3:

Spell Verbal: By Nature’s Will, I

  • …Strike Your Down with Thunder and Lightning       9 Power Points        Instant
    • Target character suffers 30 points of damage from magical lightning and effected by a 5 second Torso Stun.
    • Shield will block the torso stun portion of this spell, but the damage will go through.
  • …Grow a Wall of Brambles       9 Power Points        End of Tag, or Until Destroyed
    • This spell creates a 10 foot by 10 foot by 1 foot nearly impassable wall of thorny vines and brambles. The wall is non-magical and can be destroyed by receiving 100 Body Points of damage or a Kill Spell. The wall suffers double damage from fire attacks.
    • Any creature attempting to pass through the wall suffers 14 points of normal damage and becomes stuck in the wall. Any creature stuck in the wall may push their way through in 5 seconds with a +3 or greater Strength Bonus. Characters with a +6 or greater Strength Bonus may pass unhindered but not undamaged.
    • The Wall of Brambles follows the normal wall spell rules except that the Druid need not concentrate to maintain the wall. The Druid must have a 10 foot long piece of green garland to represent the wall. When the wall is first cast, anyone in the area of effect must choose which side of the wall they wish to wind up on.
    • The wall remains until the end of the current Tag Cycle or the wall has taken enough damage to destroy it. The wall may not be removed by a Dispel Magic or Sever Magic spell and the wall cannot be healed, but the caster can freely pass through the wall at will. If the player who cast the wall leaves Line of Sight, they should sign and leave the Elemental Pool Points with the garland. Any damage done to the wall that does not destroy it should be recorded on the tag.
    • Other than what was stated above, this follows the normal wall spell rules.


Nature Magic Rank 1
Nature Magic Rank 2
Nature Magic Rank 4

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